Mission Manifestos Members Sign Up FAQ Blog
Who we are Mission Manifestos Members Sign Up FAQ Blog
Who we are
The Conscious Advertising Network is a voluntary coalition of over 70 organisations set up to ensure that industry ethics catches up with the technology of modern advertising.
Our mission

In a nutshell, our mission is to stop advertising abuse, by highlighting the conscious choices advertisers and agencies can make to ensure good practice.

Across all sectors of the advertising industry, modern technology has advanced so quickly that ethics haven't been able to keep up. We want to change that.

Now more than ever, brands, agencies and adtech are perfectly placed to consciously change both the way they operate and the content they produce, resulting in communication that is better for all.

That's why we developed a set of six manifestos, with the aim of getting their principles embedded in every UK agency brief. Together we can make a big difference.

Download our overarching manifesto.