Mission Manifestos Partners Sign Up FAQ Blog
Who we are Mission Manifestos Partners Sign Up FAQ Blog


What exactly does being a member of CAN mean?

Use of the CAN logo is a proof that an organisation is signed up to the Conscious Advertising Network and is committed to embedding its principles in all agency briefs and RFPs, or that an organisation is embedding CAN principles in the way they create, target and buy & sell advertising. CAN currently operates on a self-certification model, supported by ISBA, and you’ll be asked to report on progress 6 months after signing up. See the Supporter Pack for more details.

We’ve signed up, now what?

We recommend all organisations study each manifesto, prioritise the areas they will act on first and kick off internal and external conversations to work out how to embed them. We don’t expect signatories to be 100% perfect on all manifestos straight away, changing advertising will be a journey. See our Supporter Pack for how to report progress in 6 months.

We want to sign up, but are worried that we cannot comply with all the manifestos

Don’t worry. We don’t expect signatories to be 100% perfect on all manifestos straight away, changing advertising will take time, and each of our members is at a different stage on the journey. Signing up to CAN is a statement of intent.

Does signing up to CAN mean we won’t be able to advertise in certain publications such as UK tabloids?

No. The CAN manifestos are a series of principles which advertisers and agencies can use to create good policy and practices which suit both them and their clients. Brands and agencies can choose to construct inclusion and exclusion lists at their discretion, and these will differ depending on their brand values.

Will you be telling your members exactly how to implement these measures?

No. The CAN manifestos are a series of principles which advertisers and agencies can use to create good policy and practices which suit both them and their clients.

The manifestos pull together recommended best practice from a number of sources, including TAG, the WFA and the ASA. We are asking that they’re embedded in all agency briefs, company internal policies and creative guidelines. The final decision as to how these recommendations are implemented sit with advertisers and their agencies.

What happens if an advertiser/agency signs up and then flouts the principles?

By signing up to CAN, advertisers and agencies are responsible for both placing the manifesto principles in briefs, and also checking that all responses to those briefs comply with them. We do not expect everyone to be perfect, but to start having the conversations that create change. We would ask that anyone who thinks one of our members is acting in ways that contravene CAN principles politely poses questions, and that our members are clear in their messaging how far along they are in their journeys.

How does your kite mark and relationship with ISBA work?

Use of the CAN logo is a proof that an organisation is signed up to the Conscious Advertising Network and is committed to embedding its principles in all agency briefs and RFPs, or that an organisation is embedding CAN principles in the way they create, target and buy & sell advertising. CAN currently operates on a self-certification model, supported by ISBA, and you must be signed up to use the logo.

Are you UK/European only?

Many of our members are based in the UK and Europe, although the scale of our ambition is global. We encourage enquiries from members from across the world.